UN submissions

HRC55: Oral statement during General Debate under Item 4

During HRC55, CSW delivered an oral statement, raising its concerns over Vietnam’s targeted violations against religious and ethnic minorities and China’s crackdown on religion or belief groups and human rights defenders.

HRC49: Written submission on China

Introduction CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) is a human rights organisation specialising in the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) for all. CSW is concerned by a critical deterioration in the overall protection of human rights in China since 2013, including the arbitrary detention, torture, and forced labour of millions of Uyghurs and other …

HRC49: Written submission on China READ MORE

Written submission to the 48th session of the Human Rights Council

Introduction CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) is a human rights organisation specialising in the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) for all. CSW continues to be alarmed by the arrests and detentions of citizens in connection with their  religion or belief in the People’s Republic of China and seeks to bring this to the UN …

Written submission to the 48th session of the Human Rights Council READ MORE

HRC47: Oral Statement during ID with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls

Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls Organisation: Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) Speaker: Claire Denman Thank you Madame President, CSW thanks the Working Group for their continued work and report. As the Working Group points out, crises can exact a disparate and heavy toll on the sexual and reproductive health of women …

HRC47: Oral Statement during ID with the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls READ MORE

Submission to the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council

Introduction CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) is a human rights organisation specialising in the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB).  This submission seeks to draw the Council’s attention to manifestations of anti-Muslim hatred and discrimination in the People’s Republic China, especially in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR, also known as East Turkestan to …

Submission to the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council READ MORE

HRC45: Oral statement during ID on the rights of older persons

Item 3: ID with the Independent Expert on the rights of older persons Organisation: Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) Speaker: Claire Denman Thank you, Madame President, CSW thanks the Independent Expert for her work, annual report and country visits.  The China country visit report states that older persons, including those from religious minority groups, continue to …

HRC45: Oral statement during ID on the rights of older persons READ MORE

HRC44: Statement on new digital technologies

In Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, (also referred to by many Uyghurs as East Turkestan), such technology is widely used by the Chinese authorities to identify and restrict the movements of Uyghurs and other ethnic groups as part of the authorities’ extensive crackdown on these groups, in which between one and three million individuals are believed to have been detained in so-called ‘political re-education camps.’

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