Press Releases

Joint statement on the 10-year anniversary of deadly reprisals against Chinese activist Cao Shunli

Today, we pay tribute to Cao Shunli’s legacy, one that has inspired countless human rights defenders in China and abroad. We urge UN Member States to call for a full, independent, impartial investigation into her death. We reaffirm that no perpetrator of reprisals, no matter how powerful, is above scrutiny, and that reprisals are fundamentally incompatible with the values of the United Nations and of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Joint statement on the 10-year anniversary of deadly reprisals against Chinese activist Cao Shunli READ MORE

Joint statement on the religious freedom implications of Article 23 legislation

Today 16 international experts in freedom of religion or belief have expressed “profound and grave concerns” about the implications of the new Article 23 security law Hong Kong’s government is currently pushing through. It directly threatens religious freedom, and in particular the confidentiality of the Sacrament of Penance (otherwise known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation or “Confession”)  in the Catholic Church.

Joint statement on the religious freedom implications of Article 23 legislation READ MORE

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