Increase in online hostility towards churches in Hebei province in January

New research by CSW points to a sudden and significant increase in online hostility towards Christians in Hebei Province after internet users alleged that the January 2021 coronavirus outbreak there originated in a church.

CSW estimates that over 1,000 related comments were posted before they were eventually censored. Observers have noted that online speech is strictly controlled in China, and in other contexts this kind of social hostility, especially when it concerns anything approaching criticism of the authorities, would be quickly censored. Despite this, comments were visible for several days.

According to one Christian familiar with the situation: “The rumour started when the Beijing government announced the suspension of religious activities and a thorough investigation into all “illegal religious activities” in rural areas on 8 January 2021… [Afterwards] Sina Weibo (a Twitter-like platform in China) [was] inundated with posts by users accusing a Christian congregation of spreading the virus… They blame Christians for “betraying their own nation”, undermining their culture and “jeopardizing the sovereignty and security of the motherland.””

The new briefing finds that Christians who have witnessed this increase in online social hostility are deeply worried. Some fear that the Chinese Communist Party or authorities could be involved in some way, since the Chinese authorities have also used disinformation to slander Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghur Muslims, and other religious communities in the past.

Another well-informed Christian concluded: “The recent development in Hebei should be of serious concern to democratic governments. We need to do our best to help these victims.”

CSW’s Founder President Mervyn Thomas said: “Although a thousand comments may appear small given China’s size, any new trend in hostility and discrimination against a religious community must be carefully monitored, even more so in the context of grave and extensive violations of the right to freedom of religion or belief currently taking place in the country. Hebei in particular has a long history of government persecution of Christians, and particularly Catholics, including the imprisonment of clergy such as Bishop James Su Zhimin. We call on the international community to monitor online hostility towards Christians and other religious communities in connection with COVID-19, working with human rights organisations, activists and faith communities to gather accurate information, and raising serious cases with the Chinese authorities.” 

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