All press releases on this site were first published on the CSW website.
China: Crackdown on Unregistered Churches
Christians have been detained, and churches shut down or destroyed in China in the month before revised Regulations on Religious Affairs are due to come into effect on 1 February. Christians have been detained, and churches shut down or destroyed in China in the month before revised Regulations on Religious…
Commentary by detained human rights lawyer
A new commentary by Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng says the human rights situation in China has deteriorated to an unprecedented level, in “harshest and most brutal political oppression since the end of Mao Zedong’s rule”. Gao Zhisheng was ‘disappeared’ in August 2017 and is believed to be in…
Revisions to Regulations on Religious Affairs
On 7 September China’s State Council released a set of revisions to the 2005 Regulations on Religious Affairs which strengthen state control over religious activities in China. According to the state media agency Xinhua News, the revised regulations “protect freedom of religion belief”; however, the revisions also clearly focus on…
Muslims and Christians detained in Xinjiang
On 18 April, five Christians from Xinjiang Province, China, were jailed for 3-5 years for participating in the planning of a Bible study. The sentencing occurred against the backdrop of the detention of dozens of Uyghur Muslims for ‘illegal religious activities.’ A court in Changji, Xinjiang Province, sentenced the Christians…
Human rights lawyers issue new year message
A new year message calling for “rule-based governance” and “the betterment of human rights in China” has been issued by around 300 Chinese human rights lawyers. The message, posted on, highlights multiple cases of human rights abuses in 2016, including the detention of human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong, who…
Organs removed from prisoner of conscience
Authorities in China removed organs from the body of Christian prisoner of conscience Peng Ming against his family’s wishes, according to a statement by the family dated 10 December and translated by China Aid. On 2 December, CSW expressed concerns over the lack of information about the death of Peng…
Prisoner of Conscience Peng Ming dies in prison
Peng Ming, a long-term political prisoner, has died in prison in Hubei, China, but doubts have been cast over the lack of official information concerning his death. In other news, Jiang Tianyong, another human rights defender, remains missing and may be at risk of torture. Peng Ming died in prison…
UK, UN raise religious freedom concerns in China
Christian Solidarity Worldwide welcomes the United Kingdom’s calls for China to safeguard freedom of religion or belief, expressed on 19 September in a statement at the 33rd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council. The UK expressed concern about restrictions on freedom of religion or belief and expression in…
human rights concerns ahead of G20 Summit
Christian Solidarity Worldwide remains deeply concerned about the situation of freedom of religion or belief and other human rights violations in China ahead of the G20 summit in Hangzhou, China next week. The 11th G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang on 4 and 5 September. Hangzhou is the…
First sentences given to rights lawyers
The first sentences have being handed down to lawyers and activists arrested as part of the “709 crackdown” on China’s community of human rights lawyers and activists, their associates and family members. On 4 August, Zhou Shifeng, founder of high-profile firm Fengrui, was sentenced to seven years in prison for subversion, according to news reports. Two other…