August 2023

‘Worse than physical torture’ – how China uses exit bans to inflict suffering on human rights defenders and their loved ones

Being blocked from leaving China by the authorities has become common under Xi Jinping’s rule. Jiang Tianyong, Guo Feixiong and Tang Jitian’s stories show how China uses exit bans to inflict suffering on human rights defenders and their loved ones.

‘Worse than physical torture’ – how China uses exit bans to inflict suffering on human rights defenders and their loved ones READ MORE

China Voices: April – June 2023

Welcome to our latest edition of China Voices, a quarterly update on freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) in China. From April to June 2023, CSW recorded 101 incidents of violations affecting religious or belief groups throughout China. Cases included in this update highlight how religious leaders who refuse to ‘follow the Party’ have been

China Voices: April – June 2023 READ MORE

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