China Voices: January – March 2022

During Q1 2022, we recorded 80 incidents of FoRB violations, involving at least 300 individuals and seven faith groups. On 4 February 2022, the world watched while performers representing China’s 56 ethnic groups carried the national flag and a female Uyghur athlete lit the Olympic cauldron. These scenes were supposed to “boast ethnic unity” in

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General Briefing: China 2022

There has been a critical deterioration in the overall protection of human rights in China since 2013. The realisation of the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) in China remains a mixed picture, and conditions vary according to religion, location, ethnicity, attitudes of local officials, and other factors. However, overall, the level of FoRB is rapidly and significantly decreasing against a backdrop of broader human rights violations which in some cases amount to crimes against humanity, requiring the urgent attention of the international community.

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HRC49: Written submission on China

Introduction CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) is a human rights organisation specialising in the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) for all. CSW is concerned by a critical deterioration in the overall protection of human rights in China since 2013, including the arbitrary detention, torture, and forced labour of millions of Uyghurs and other

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Over 240 organisations call for action on human rights ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics

Over 240 human rights organisations have called for action on human rights in China ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics, scheduled to take place from 4 to 20 February. In a statement issued at 12am (GMT) on 28 January, signatories, including CSW, stated that the 2022 Olympics will open “amid atrocity crimes and other grave human rights violations by

Over 240 organisations call for action on human rights ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics READ MORE

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